Tyranids (Old Scheme, Pre repaint)

I painted these about ... 3 years ago. Im pleased with them, but the time has come to repaint the swarm. Posting these as examples of my old scheme. New scheme to follow on later. Here are just a few of my Forgeworld peices.

Dark Elf

Another Hasselfree sculpt. Loved the pose, even though I dont collect Warhamer fantasy. Was trying to sell this guy, but there dont seem to be many Dark Elf players who like him.. :( So I guess ill base him properly and repaint the sword before putting him in my cabinet.

Female Spartan

Ok, i have to admit this style of mini isn't usually up my street. But it makes a change from painting power armour. And gave me a chance to test the new foundation paints from GW. The entire flesh is painted using only 3 different paints. Model purchased form Hasslefree miniatures.

Ground Squad, Tank Busting Assault Squad

The last 2 squad i have done so far. Assault Squad with removed Jump packs. Also a tank busting assault squad.

More Falcon Guard

About 1/3 of the way through the army. Although I have had to change it about abit to fit 5th edition 40k. I am now using the Blood Angels Codex. Going to start a rather characterful Death Company soon as I have lots of free time to paint now until I get another job. :P
Here is another Vet with flamer.

Falcon Guard Veteran assault Squad Marine One

About time for a long overdue update. I have been working on some marines for my home made chapter the 'Falcon Guard'. Here is the first from my veteran assault squad.